Set Theory - Making sense of large datasets

Tools: Adobe XD, Visual Studio Code

Technologies: Angular Material, Angular, Express, Typescript, D3.js

Time Frame: May - August 2020

Client: Decisive Analytics

Role: UX/UI Designer & Front End Developer

Specialities: Wireframing, Prototyping, UI Design, Information Architecture


Set Theory is an interactive tool that allows users to create, edit and test how a chosen set of terms are related to one another. Because it is enterprise level software and the nature of the data, it is a desktop only application.

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Problems & Opportunities

Some of the questions I was posed with were: How can users more easily navigate this process? How can users visualize how documents(artifacts) within a hypothesis are related to one another?

In setting out to solve those questions, I came up with the following solutions:

  1. Change aspects of the user interface that allows users to create, edit and test a specification

  2. Design and develop an interface that allows users to disseminate large amounts of data easily.

  3. Develop components for reuse throughout the app


But why is this important?

The ease of being able to navigate the app, creating reusable components, and creating pathways to understand the data increases the likelihood of future funding and decreases overall development time.


Technical Approach

Reorganize Specification View > Edit Site Architecture > Create User Persona for Workspace > Design/Develop Home View > Design Workspace Flow > Develop Workspace View


But what data were you working with?

For this project, I made use of a fully developed API and database with hundreds of artifacts , 6 specs and 3 reusable components. From there, I developed about 7 more components and used the API to create a workspace.



I measured my success by the ability of the user to…

  1. View the most pertinent information in one step

  2. Navigate and understand the information displayed

  3. Add, edit, delete a spec & workspace easily